Operates both locally and worldwide

As Rederi Ab Lillgaard we commenced our operation in 1966 when the first MS Lillgaard was acquired for transportation of woodchips from Åland to Sweden.

   Rederi Ab Lillgaard, a privately owned company, is situated in Mariehamn on the Åland Islands, a place with longlasting traditions in shipowning and operations both locally and worldwide. These facts mean that there is a genuine understanding of shipping throughout the entire organisation. 

   The fleet has mainly consisted of dry-cargo vessels in the smaller size and roro-vessels, bought 2nd-hand in the market, however also one newbuilding was delivered in 1991, a roro-vessel built in Norway.
   Our present activities include our liner-service between Åland and the Finnish mainland.

Our word is our bond, personal service and engagement are our trademarks!